E's sister Vivian was born just before Halloween last year; we called her "La Pumpkina". Elena has gone to Belvedere Plantation for their Pumpkin Patch for the past 2 years--it is THE BEST! Even years ago, when Elena was not as mobile as she is now, there is so much for her to do...it keeps on getting better, every year. Pumpkins, picture opportunities, corn mazes, face painting, little ride-on tractors, haystacks to climb, slides, ziplines, pig races, tractor train, hayrides, petting zoo...the list goes on and on! This year our friend Oia (who also has cerebral palsy) and her family came with us. We brought our wagon and E's crutches--she mostly rode in the wagon, as the terrain is "extreme" (hills, valleys, rocks, hay, etc.) but she did a fair amount of walking and climbing.
E and Viv arrive at Belvedere Plantation
Our Family
E and Oia at the top of the haybale
E's on top of the World!
Daddy and Vivo in the Pebblebox
My two little Pumpkinas
E on the Zipline
Viv on the Zipline
E, Viv (and I), Oia (and Aunt B) on the Tractor Train
E, Mo, and Oia on the way to the Pig Races
Hayriding to the Pumpkin Patch
E, Oia, and their pumpkins--Viv is losing interest
Hours at the Plantation makes very tired kids...overall, the girls were really well behaved. Viv started losing it at the end of our stay, so E kept her busy--being a great big sister the whole time!
Now all we have to do is find time to carve those pumpkins!
Next up: School recaps. Holiday prep, maybe. Recaps on some events.
Overall things are going well here.
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Mission Statement
No one plans, or expects, to have a child with a disability. When this happened to us, we started a desperate search to find information relating to milestones or expectations for our daughter after her diagnosis. Most of this was fruitless. My hope is for this site to help any person or parent in a situation similar to ours.
I'm a work-hard, play-hard multitasking wife and mother of two. I'm lucky to have a supportive family and friends, and live in a great town for children with (and without) disabililties. Elena is my firstborn, born at 33w with moderate spastic diplegia. Vivian is my secondborn--almost at 28w, but with a lot of help, made it to 38 1/2w and developing normally; she was diagnosed with focal epilepsy at age 9.
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