Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Eating Wheaties, or Something

This has been a great week so far...E is really moving around pretty well. Still having some falls, but no real bad ones. Here are some great videos from hippotherapy with B!

My favorite--watch her knees when she sits back down! :)

Big ups to Annette for filming!

E has been trying new things (most with heavy assistance)--navigating curbs, walking around the house while carrying items, trying (unsuccessfully) to independently stand up from the floor, etc. Her attitude has been very willing, especially when using pretend play as a reward. Such as...her current favorite, Operation!


Michelle said...

I love all the videos, really neat seeing her progress!

isabellekim said...

Thank You so much .Looking at your blog give me hope. and your pretty little girl give me hope on my little one also hope for the best for her and your family.God Bless

Thank You
From 24weekisabell's
mom Julie